God Revitalize My Heart


It’s a wonderful feeling when God revitalize the heart and replenish the spirit with His divine spirit. His spirit of love,hope, faith, and trust Is what set us above all the other things God created. And God loves you so much that He gives his very best gifts to you. I thank God for being brought back Into alignment with God’s word for His spirit Is an awesome blessing.

What do most people do when God presence Himself ?  How do you use your love, hope, and trust In building healthy relationships?  An open heart to God’s word will Instruct us on how to love, build healthy relationships, and how to use these gifts. When we allow God to be our guiding light no weapon formed against you will prosper. God Is the author and creator of all the blessings that happen In your life.  Jas 1:7 good gift…perfect gifts”.

When God blew the breadth of life Into your soul He also blessed you. He also open your heart and hands to help other too Increase their faith, hope, and trust In him. Sometimes we forget what God’s expectations are for us,and all the miraculous things that God has already done for us.

We forget how He’s the one that gave us life In the first place. Gen 1:28 And God created us, In the Image office Him male and female.” If God has the power to wake you, and decide when your last day on earth will be then why should we take God’s love for granted?

When God grants forgiveness, favor, and mercy upon our life we should be jumping up for joy and thanking Him. It Is by God’s will that he gives us the strength to want to redirect our loss spirit back Into alignment with Him. We all know that deep down Inside of our soul that God always knows what’s best for us.

When your heart Is open to God’s word, He can step In and do what He needs to do In your life according to His purpose and plan to make His kingdom work…and your life a lot easier. We should be thanking God for allowing us to use His strength and His visions.

Coming next….Why do people without Christ throughout the world live with a great amount of fear and anxiety about life?

3 responses to “God Revitalize My Heart

  1. Pingback: Have you thanked God today? « True and faithful servant

  2. Pingback: Learning to See with your Heart and Feel with your Soul « The Inspired Verse

  3. True statment…but how can you see with your heart?

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