Tag Archives: If You Wanna Be Happy

A Wake-Up Call: Why more than 95% of Unmarried Couples Share Their Bed

Why do so many couples prefer, or think that “cheating and sleeping around before marriage” is a God-given right to them?  Okay, I get some of it– but maybe not the whole picture.  A lot of unmarried couples share their bed, their  home, their schedules, their bills, car notes, church pews, and their parenting skills. But they don’t share the last name, or a marriage certificate.  Males  are programmed with  strong sexual appetites. Is this an excuses for them being promiscuous or sharing your bed though?  Male reasoning, presumes, that it’s not their fault that their tallywhacker has an appetite like their stomach.  It’s a male’s nature to have that urge, to be relieved.  Ladies, what are some excuses we use for sleeping around? Victims of incest or child abuse are the number one stories. Satan loves using our weaknesses, past hurts, and pains, to trap us into making some foolish life decisions.

Maybe this is one of the reasons more women attend churches than men? They have been strung along emotionally in relationships for so long their tired of playing house. I can easily understand why a lot of men are not to quick to rush into marriage. By the time a women reaches thirty-something, if she not married , she needs to be under God’s protection, in my opinion. Can you imagine her praying to God asking for a husband and yet she has no standards? Thank God for salvation and forgiveness. Can you imagine the male buying into the fact that he can no longer share his tallywhacker with other women? He’s thinking  you supported the open relationship with him in the first place. He thinking that’s a lot power to be given up to one woman who all of a sudden now wants standards. Besides, he’s used to having other ladies lined up to sleep with him when you start acting weird towards him. Ladies, we need to stop being so loose with our standards and start being obedient to God’s instructions.

God knew that men were going to have a hard time controlling their tallywhackers when he created him. That’s why a man knows he needs a women. Genesis 2:24-25, “For this cause a man shall leave his father and mother and shall cleave to his wife, and they shall become one flesh…” God created man with this particular body part in mind to procreate and to have pleasure.  That’s were women come into the picture. Ladies, If your going to be that special pleasure someone for him, you should have his last name.  There are too many women who are no longer reinforcing God’s requirements for men? Ladies, I had to do this to get my husband, and so can you. Ladies, that’s the least we can do for our children’s sake. There’s are lots of benefits having the same last name.

Your husband will “whisper” to you, in you ear, that as long your fulfilling his needs he will be loyal.  But, if you not married to him “why should you expect him to stay loyal? Your not showing him that you have any self-respect, he’s already milking you.  There are tons of benefits that come along with being married. And there are lots of women out there who do set standards, and those are the women that men marry. There’s to many women who will not set the bar high enough for themselves. It’s no wonder,  some men “cheat” and act like, it’s their “God-given right.” Ladies don’t be afraid to raise the bar, if he doesn’t want to marry you then you move on with your life. I did and it worked in my favor.

Thank you for reading this article. Here’s what I want you to do next. If you like this message share it with someone.

Copyright © 2012 Michelle Meadows-Thomas

7 Ways to Happiness!

Happiness all starts from the inside!

By Michelle Meadows-Thomas

Happiness comes from the inside out , and sometimes from the outside  in. Have you ever wonder why your happiness tank keeps running low, or only last for a few days? It’s You and only you whose responsible for maintaining your levels of happiness. That’s right it’s only you who can provide yourself with that long-term happiness you maybe longing for. Of course,  you can’t leave, or forget about God in this.  After all,”The Spirit of Happiness” is created by God. Change your attitude and watch how happy you become.

1. Each day is God’s gift to you!

It’s God’s way of giving You another chance to walk with him, so turn your day into something beautiful. Start your day with  a healthy attitude by letting go of yesterday, and focusing your mind on where you are at right here and right now. Since you can’t go back in your past to change anything don’t allow your mind to dwell on negative thoughts. There are no could of, or should of…it’s over and done.  Ask God to change your attitude, or behaviors so that you can feel happy, and move forward with your life.  . Remember your goal is to be able to control your happiness level with out depending on someone else, or anything external. True happiness starts inside of you. That’s why God gave you a ” Holy Spirit to comfort you, use it.

2. If you want to be happy:

Focus on how God has transformed your life. It could be worse, or yes… Of course it could be better.  Concentrate on the good moments instead of allowing your mind to go back down memories lane. Look at your disappointments as new experiences to improve your character. This will help you to overcome your worries.   “For God has not given you the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”  Remember that endurance is built by having disappointments in your life. Trust that God will lead you through them.

3. Become more God centered

Instead of being self-centered around your own problems become more God centered. Happiness starts within you by having a healthy attitude about yourself. Attitude is base your own perception if you change your perception about an event, then your attitude will change. That’s why one person can be happy about something while the other person is not. Maybe that person has more faith in God, while the other persons has very little. SINCE you can’t change a persons behaviors pray and ask God to change your attitude about that persons behaviors. Whatever the problem is pray about it.  God will give you the strength to work it out.

4. True happiness 

Exercising your body  on a daily basis can bring you temporary happiness. Most people are willing to exercise their  physical bodies by: jogging, doing aerobics, bike riding, walking, weight lifting, and so on…. These exercises will calm the spirit, but they do not exercise it. You can exercise your spirit through reading, attending small bible study groups, prayer, fasting, worship… These exercises will fuel your spirit with that long-term happiness. When you get into the routine of exercising  your body, your mind, and your spirit.  Your length of happiness will last longer.

5. Forgiveness

There is a powerful healing process that starts in your heart when you forgive others.  God clearly points out “Vengeance is his, it belongs to him.” this may seem contradictory to some belief systems, but God has power over all things. That includes you and I. The overall importance is , If you cannot forgive others then you will not be happy.

6. Freedom

Forgiveness frees the soul from bondage. The spirit of happiness can not be present in you when you dwell on past hurts. You have to release all negative feelings, or grudges your holding against yourself, or others first.  Once you let go, and allowed God to speak to your heart, your levels of happiness will begin to soar.

7.  You can’t Leave God out of the equation.

Your levels of  happiness is based on your belief system not anyone else, that’s between you and  God.  When you become more God centered your feelings of unhappiness will decrease. I am not saying that you won’t have no more disappointments and that you will be a happy camper for rest of your life.  I am saying that you can manage your level of happiness by changing your attitude and behaviors.  It’s time to get that happiness back into your life.

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